Pavel Stránský
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Česky English
Last updated: 10.3.2025
λf = 0.99
FIRST -10 -5 -2 -1   +1 +2 +5 +10 LAST

Quantum quench in the Extended Dicke Model

Level dynamics (J=10, even states, ω=ω0=1, δ=0.3)
[Minimum of energy - ESQPT (2,1) - ESQPR (2,2) - quench]
Level dynamics line
Survival probability > 10-5
[Participation ratio - Heisenberg time]
Strength function
[Minimum - ESQPT (2,1) - ESQPR (2,2) - mean energy]
Survival probability Strength function
Survival probability log Strength function log
Survival probability log Strength function log
Participation ratio (smoothed) [ESQPT (2,1) - ESQPR (2,2)]
Participation ratio line
Heisenberg time (smoothed) [ESQPT (2,1) - ESQPR (2,2)]
Heisenberg time line
Peres lattices with strength function elements > 10-4
[Minimum - ESQPT (2,1) - ESQPR (2,2) - mean energy]
Peres lattice <N>
Peres lattice <J3>
Peres lattice <M>